Tent Guidelines

Food is not allowed. It is not to be taken or eaten in the tents.


Cots must not be placed touching any part of the tent.


Tent sides and doors are to be kept rolled up during the day, especially during windy weather, unless rain is blowing in.


Under no circumstance should both zippers be zipped on the same door.


Doors and sides are only to be opened / closed by counselors.


Ratchets/straps and eye-bolts on tents are not to be tampered with under any circumstance. Any violations of this rule will lead to loss of use of the tent.


Clotheslines may be placed in tents. See caretaker for placement.



Contact Us

Grace Island Bermuda

P.O. Box SN 438

Southampton SNBX



Telephone: 441-232-9673


E-Mail: admin@graceisland.org